Bem vindo!!

Bem Vindo!

Solicite Seminário/Palestra para sua Igreja - Agenda aberta. - 037.3212-3324; 8803-8839 (vivo) - 8802-9256 (Oi whatsApp)

quarta-feira, 6 de novembro de 2013

Who have you been?

  " He who walks with the wise grows wise , but a companion of fools suffers harm ."
Proverbs 13:20

Throughout our journey in this life we have wonderful opportunities , perhaps the biggest one is being able to be with and among people of diverse backgrounds and temperaments . As we grow and assimilate knowledge learned to discern the type of people that we can add you to something good .
The Holy Bible is full of proverbs , examples and advice aiming " vaccinate " the son of God , avoiding that it will engage with people of bad character or people who want to take the focus away from that serving the Lord and want to live a life that The please .
The verse quoted above is categorical : " He who walks with the wise grows wise ... " - how can we identify a person wise ? What are its characteristics ? Unfortunately we can not do it at first , it is necessary to have a minimum of coexistence ; coexistence that many are lost , because both were involved , when they discover that they are committed . We should be observers , not in the sense of finding fault in people , because all we have , but be aware of the actions and reactions of the people , because they show what or who they really are .
One of the first characteristics of a wise man is evidenced in their fear of God , the Bible says : " The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding." Proverbs 9:10 . Notice that what is expected of a sage is to be God-fearing , this principle can not go unnoticed by us , our relationships should be guided by the fear of the Lord, how many times we become friends , allies and partners to people who do not fear God , this course will bring us harm.
Walk with the wise is sure that in times of difficulties we advice at the time of the fight and have a companion in the hour of tribulation will have a prayer partner .
Who are your true friends ? Nowadays it seems a difficult task recognizes them , God wants to give us faithful friends , honest and dutiful to Him - as the mighty that David had , and if not of the same faith ? What a good friend to win the Jesus ! Bring him to the house of the Lord , the Bible says : " ... and he who wins souls is wise ." Proverbs 11:30 b .
Come you and your friends to study the Bible with us in Sunday School , our magazine is commenting Proverbs and Ecclesiastes , I'm sure you will like .

 Gercino Gomes

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